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Building the application stack

Getting the source code

Hextech Friends currently uses a monorepo to store the full soure code.
Just clone it with this command:

git clone

Now to the fun part

Building the server


You need to have the Java Development Kit(JDK) installed to build the server.

Hextech Friends uses Gradle to build the server component. Just use

cd ./Server
./gradlew.bat shadowJar

Run the server with

java -jar ./builds/libs/hextech-friends-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar

Building the client


You need to have Visual Studio or VS Build Tools for C# installed.

Here just open HextechFriends.sln in Client/ with Visual Studio and press build. Otherwise use

cd ./Client
msbuild HextechFriendsClient.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release

Then you can start the executable in Client/HextechFriendsClient/bin/Debug/HextechFriendsClient.exe

That's all \o/ !